SAVE THE DATE!  JFYNetWorks at MassCUE 2024 Fall Conference, Oct. 16-17th, Gillette Stadium

Keeping Students Engaged with Direct Student Support. Connected Learning.

Keeping Students Engaged through Direct Student Support

by Eileen Wedegartner, JFYNet Learning Specialist

Responding to student needs. Engagement is the key to improving academic performance.

The JFYNet online program supports learning with online instructional tools that help students master grade-level standards and prepare for college and careers after graduation. We summarize our methodology in the acronym AIMS: Assess, Instruct, Measure, Support. The last element, Support, takes a variety of forms.

Along with staff-vetted software and wraparound support for teachers as they work to improve student performance, JFYNet staff also respond to students’ needs. By observing classes—physically before the shutdown and virtually since– we can see what is going well or not for students and teachers. As school partners, we pay attention to both teachers and students to maximize student progress.

Often when observing a class our trained learning specialist can help clarify students’ questions about the program, especially when they first approach it. We are often included on Zoom calls as classes begin their work remotely. We look forward to being able to join the physical classroom again. Having been in classrooms for so many years, JFY specialists come to virtual classrooms prepared with tips and instructions to make the program accessible to all the students.

When instruction shifted to the virtual plane, our staff addressed the challenge of the new methodology by creating instructional videos and PowerPoint decks to help teachers and students navigate online learning. We also created supplemental study materials for students and teachers to vary and enrich instruction. Being attentive and responsive to student needs helps us keep them engaged. Engagement is the key to improving academic performance. Our supplementary materials extend to science and social studies, as well as ancillary requirements like MCAS, SAT and Accuplacer readiness.

To further support students, JFYNet works directly with students enrolled in dual enrollment/early college courses by conducting an orientation to higher education practices and expectations. This process includes understanding the syllabus, taking useful notes, planning and time management, practicing self-advocacy, and seeking out professor feedback. As in all our programs, we support early college students with academic coaching to help them build skills essential to college success.

At JFYNetWorks, student success is our goal. We know that reaching that goal requires a dense network of people and processes to keep young people connected to the content, to their teachers, to each other, and to their own personal pathway to the future.

Here are some JFYNet training and Connected Learning resources for you to explore:

To learn more about JFYNet’s Connected Learning Solutions click on the button below:JFYNet Connected Learning

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