Pictured left to right: Chairman Otis Gates, Secretary Susan Dunningan, and Treasurer Kevin Macdonald.
Narrated by Greg Cunningham
DECEMBER 2021 PODCAST – This month’s podcast features members of the JFYNetWorks Board of Directors, who come from a variety of backgrounds and provide their insight and expertise to staff. Their dedication to JFYNetWorks adds up to over 75 combined years of service. Chairman Otis Gates, along with Treasurer Kevin Macdonald and Secretary Susan Dunningan, discuss with Executive Director Gary Kaplan the origins of JFY, how each came to be part of the organization, and their thoughts about the future of JFYNetWorks as an innovator in the volatile world of educational technology.
Music attribute: Music (Optimistic Corporate) provided by: Exzel Music Publishing (freemusicpublicdomain.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
Listen to other podcasts here.
Other posts with the JFYNetWorks Board of Directors can be found here.
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