SAVE THE DATE!  JFYNetWorks at MassCUE 2024 Fall Conference, Oct. 16-17th, Gillette Stadium

Shaping the Future

JFYNetWorks brings Technology into Education

by Joan Reissman

JFYNetWorks brings Technology into Education


JFYNetWorks  has worn many hats in its 48 years of operation, from job training to adult literacy to blended learning.  In an ever-evolving educational landscape, our timely adaptations have kept us relevant and impactful. Our modus operandi is the  integration of  technology into pedagogy to differentiate instruction and raise academic achievement for all students, with the goal of enhancing economic opportunity and social mobility.    


Our core methodology is described by the acronym  AIMS:  Assess, Instruct, Measure, Support. This  methodology drives  all our programs.  Its four elements are:

  • Assessment: Utilizing online tools and existing school data to diagnose students’ individual learning needs.
  • Instruction: Providing high-quality software that aligns with state standards, course curricula and district pacing guides. Online instruction can be customized for specific programs, standardized assessments and individual learning needs and styles.
  • Measurement: Monitoring student progress through the curriculum as recorded in the embedded data system. Close attention to student performance enables timely intervention.
  • Support for teachers and students is provided onsite and remotely via zoom, text, phone, email and on our website. We use real-time student data to make instructional adjustments that keep students on track. Continuous professional development and support for teachers builds proficiency and confidence.  This structured and supported use of online content maximizes its effectiveness as a tool for teaching and learning, and for acceleration.

AIMS is the guiding principle of our blended learning, integrating digital tools into the  classroom.  JFYNet blended learning  enables teachers to offer individualized instruction to meet each student’s unique needs. Applications include:

  • Curriculum design: Core online instruction reinforces and supplements curricula in regular classes, credit recovery or test preparation by addressing identified skill gaps. This is the heart of the JFYNet program. JFY Learning Specialists  align  our software to the  curriculum or type of academic preparation in use in the school. The  Learning Specialist maintains  constant contact with teachers  so that timely adjustments can be made as needed.  
  • Group or one-on-one tutoring: Conducted by teachers, support staff or volunteers trained by JFY and supervised by the teacher and JFY. Scaffolded interventions address individual student needs, with specialized adaptations for EL students and students with disabilities.
  • MCAS preparation and instruction: Focused on frequently occurring curriculum standards over the 5 years of 10th grade MCAS 2.0 and the 7 years of 5-8. JFY staff design practice tests and supporting assignments to build grade-level standards. Grade level standards are the basis of MCAS.   
  • Early College: Enhanced student support for early college courses.  


JFY Learning Specialists are the engines that drive the program.  Each partner school is assigned a dedicated Learning Specialist who provides essential support to teachers.  These specialists administer assessments, create online assignments, and train staff on implementation.  JFY provides  ongoing professional development for teachers to help them integrate technology seamlessly into their classroom instruction. Learning Specialists also oversee the online management system, analyze student data, generate reports, and make instructional recommendations. By offering problem-solving support and being available via text, email, phone, zoom and in person, Learning Specialists ensure that teachers and their students get maximum benefit from JFYNet blended learning.  Learning Specialists implement six principal program components:

  • Teacher orientation/training
  • Student baseline assessment and enrollment into the online curriculum
  • Establishment of an instructional schedule
  • Continuous support of teachers online and in-class
  • Ongoing formative assessments and collaborative evaluations
  • Final summative testing and issuance of reports and recommendations


The term College and Career Readiness means preparation for economic success and social mobility. Most jobs in Massachusetts already require  post-secondary education, and workplace innovation steadily raises skill demands.  JFYNetWorks prepares students to meet these rising demands by supporting  academic advancement  from grade-level skill development in grades 5-8  to early college , Advanced Placement and SAT preparation in high school. Closing achievement gaps gives  all students,  from all demographic groups,  equitable access to higher education and career opportunities.


Early College programs  enable high school students to earn college credits before graduation. These  programs  reduce the  cost and time of college  and prepare students for the academic rigor of post-secondary education. JFYNet  provides enhanced academic and guidance support, working  with students on academic skills and personal competencies such as study skills, time management, and self-confidence. Early College support brings the benefits of JFYNet to the next level.  


JFYNetWorks has developed a new AI tool:  the JFY/AI Teacher Assistant. This groundbreaking application uses AI to analyze and critique student writing. The tool addresses a critical need identified by teachers: the need to improve student writing skills. The Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) requires students to write essays. Significant gaps in writing proficiency have been identified.  In order for teachers to assign more writing exercises, the time burden of manual grading must be reduced. The JFY/AI Teacher Assistant  automates the evaluation process, providing instant feedback and allowing teachers  to focus on personalized instruction. The Teacher Assistant uses rubrics, benchmarking, and prompts  to produce comprehensive, actionable  feedback. JFY is developing  a similar AI tool for  math word problems.


JFYNetWorks brings  the transformative power of technology into the classroom  to address  skill gaps and prepare students for future success. By focusing on continuous innovation in the service of equity, JFYNetWorks ensures that all students have the opportunity to achieve their full potential.  Our latest contributions  to the changing landscape demonstrate our commitment to helping shape  the future of education.

Joan Reissman is a JFYNetWorks learning specialist. 

Other posts authored by Joan can be found here.

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