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Blended Learning at East Boston High

Blended Learning at East Boston High

Creating opportunity through blended learning at East Boston High School.

by Cathie Maglio, Blended Learning SPECIALIST

I witnessed something special in an MCAS Prep class at East Boston High.

I walked into the class and saw students walking around with their laptops talking. As I moved farther into the classroom I saw they were all logged into their math application solving algebra problems, which may sound like nothing much but they were all working together, helping each other, trying to solve the problems without asking the teacher. And I saw one student explaining how to do a problem in Spanish so other students could understand.

This class is made up of students new to the US and all are native Spanish speakers.

This is what blended learning can do.

JFYNetWorks creates opportunity by using technology—student-centered blended learning.  Let us know how we can help your classroom.

“Every student showed improvement and authentic achievement. The self-paced individualized tutorials assured that every student could succeed. Their success was not just a passing grade or credit toward a high school diploma, but the elimination of remedial courses at the college level.” – Teacher

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